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Jumat, 21 Mei 2010
Berdasarkan aplikasi pemakaian pelumas dibagi menjadi :
- Pelumas Industri (>=50%)
- Pelumas Automotif (<=50%) Penggolongan pelumas secara detail, diuraikan dalam Surat Keputusan Menteri Energi & Sumber daya Mineral No. 1693 K/34/mem/2001 Pelumas dibagi kedalam 17 golongan berdasarkan aplikasi PENGGOLONGAN PELUMAS : 1. Pelumas motor bensin 4 langkah Automotif 2. Pelumas motor bensin 2 langkah Automotif 3. Pelumas motor bensin 2 langkah non Automotif 4. Pelumas motor diesel Automotif 5. Pelumas motor diesel industri, kapal & Kereta Api 6. Pelumas motor lain-lain 7. Pelumas roda gigi kendaraan 8. Pelumas roda gigi industri 9. Pelumas otomotif (non motor) PENGGOLONGAN PELUMAS 10. Pelumas hidraulik 11. Pelumas transmisi otomatik dan hidraulik 12. Pelumas turbin 13. Pelumas kompresor 14. Pelumas untuk pengerjaan logam 16. Pelumas untuk peralatan listrik 17. Pelumas untuk industri makanan & minuman 18. Pelumas gemuk APLIKASI PELUMAS KOMPONEN : Bearing, Cylinder, Gear - Bearings : roller, ball & plain bearings - Cylinders : engine, compressor,minyak hydraulic - Gears : transmission & differential TIPE PELUMAS (Jenis & Kualitas) - Jenis Mesin/Peralatan - Kondisi/Operasi APLIKASI PELUMAS JENIS MESIN/PERALATAN Mesin diesel/bensin : detergent, dispersant, antioxidant, anti korosi, viscosity index improver
Automotive Gear : anti wear, anti korosi, antioxidant, anti foaming, proper visc., VI tinggi
Reciprocating Air Compressor : stabil pada temperature tinggi, anti foaming, low deposit forming
Bearing : antioxidant, anti korosi, correct vics.
Hydraulic : antiscuff, anti korosi, antioxidant, VI tinggi, anti foaming, proper visc.
- Temperature, kecepatan, beban
- Bahan bakar
- Basah/kering
- Overheating pada kecepatan rendah/tinggi
- Fire Hazard
Pengetahuan tentang kondisi operasi dan mutu pelumas
Komposisi pelumas :
1. Base Oil
2. Performance Additive
3. Non performasnce Additive
Base Oil :
1 Mineral
2. Synthetic
3. Semi Synthetic
- SAE (Otomotif)
- ISO (Industri)
- AGMA (Gear Industri)
- NGLI (Klasifikasi Gemuk)
- ACEA (Eropa)
- Pelumas Bearing Industri
- Lebih Umum Dipakai
- cSt sebagai satuan standar pada 40 & 100°C
Tabel Klasifikasi Pelumas ISO VG
Tabel Klasifikasi Pelumas ISO VG
- Pelumas Otomotif (mesin, gardan transmisi manual)
- Pelumas Gear Otomotif
Tabel Viscositas SAE Otomotif
Tabel Viscositas SAE Gear Otomotif
ISO & AGMA (Pelumas Gear Industri)
1. Pelumas gear EP (beban tinggi)
2. Pelumas Non EP (beban ringan)
3. Compunded Gear Oil :
Asam lemak nabati/sintetis
Gear desain worm
NLGI (Angka konsistensi penetrasi gemuk)
Tabel Viscositas Gear Industri
Tabel Konsistensi gemuk menurut NGLI
Pelumas Mesin
Bensin (SA s/d SJ) & Diesel (CA s/d CD)
Api SL berlaku mulai 2001, dipersiapkan Pertamina
API CI-4 untuk standar emisi, dipersiapkan pertamin
ACEA (Eropa)
Pelumas Gear Otomotif
Api-Gl 1: kondisi menegah (beban sliding), tanpa additif
API-GL2 : kondisi lebih berat dari API-GL 1
API-GL 3 : kecepatan/beban sedang, transmisi dan gardan
API-GL 4 : transmisi manual, spral bevel, tugas sedang
API-GL 5 : roda gigi hypoid, kecepatan tinggi & beban kejut tinggi
Klasifikasi unjuk kerja pelumas mesin otomotif
Pelumas Industri (turbin, hidrolic, gear)
Turbin :
German standard DIN 51515
British standard BS489: 1983
General elektic GEK 32568F
US MIL-L17672D
AGMA Specification
German standard DIN 51524 part 1
Denison HF-1
Cincinnati Milacrom P-38, P-54, P-55 Gemuk
Survey Spesifikasi Pelumas
Survey Spesifikasi Pelumas
API Base Oil Category
API Base Oil Category
Advances to Mineral :
Higher Viscosity Index and Flash Point
Lower Pour Point
Extreme application both low & high temperature
Disvances To Moneral :
Higher Price
Seal Swelling
Pelumasan yang baik adalah memilih pelumas
yang tepat pada tempat dan waktu yang tepat
Pemilihan pelumas ditenukan oleh :
Rekomendasi manufaktur (terpenting)
Jenis pelumasan
Kondisi operasi
Sifat Fisik :
- Pelumas Cair : Mineral, Semi-sintetik, Full-sintetik
- Pelumas Padat : Gemuk
Aplikasi :
- Otomotive : Motor (4T & 2T), Mobil (bensin & diesel), Transmisi, dll.
- Komersial : Truk, bus, alat angkut lainnya, Transmisi, dll.
- Industri : Genset, Hidrolik, Kompressor, dll.
- Khusus : Turbin, Transformer oil, Heat Transfer oil, dll.
Kekentalannya :
- Mengikuti standart SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers)
- Mengikuti standart ISO (International Organization for Standardization)
- Mengikuti standart NLGI (National Lubricating Grease Institute)
Sifat Fisik Pelumas
Pelumas Cair : bahan dasar pelumas (base oil) +additive
- Mineral : base oil mineral + additive
- Semi-sintetik : base oil mineral + base oil sintetik + additive
- Full sintetik : base oil sintetik + additive
Pelumas padat : Proses kimia dengan tahapan
- Proses pembuatan sabun (Saponification)
- Penambahan base oil, additive dan komponen lain
- Penghalusan struktur/serat
- Pengeringan/penguapan air dan material lain
Kualitas Pelumas Bensin(Gasoline Engine Oil)
Kualitas Pelumas Diesel (Diesel Engine Oil)
Kualitas Pelumas Transmisi(Gear Oil)
Kualitas Pelumas dua langkah(2T)
Kualitas Pelumas transmisi(Automatic Transmission Fluid)
Kualitas Pelumas padat(Gemuk)
Kekentalan Pelumas (SAE)(Engine Oil)
NOTE: 1cP=1 mPa/s; 1cSt=1mm/s
All Values are critical spesification as defined by ASTM D 3244 (see text, section 3).
2 ASTM D 5293
3 ASTM D 4684-Note-the presence of any yield stress detectable by this method constitutes a failure regardless if viscosity
4 ASTM D445
5 ASTM D 4683, CEC L-36-A-90 (ASTM D 4741)
6 2.9 cP for 0W40, 5W40 & 10W40 and 3.7 cP for 15W40,20W40, 25W40, 25W40 and 40 grades.
Kekentalan Pelumas automotive(SAE)
Kekentalan Pelumas indutri (ISO)
Kekentalan Pelumas padat/bantalan (NLGI)
Fungsi Pelumas Mesin
Dasar :
a. Pelumasan (Lubricating)
b. Pendingin (Cooling)
c. Penyekat (Sealing)
d. Pembersih (Cleaning)
Tambahan :
e. Penetralisir (Neutralised Acid)
f. Pencegah (Anti Corrosion & Rust)
Unggulan :
g. Irit bahan bakar (Energy Conserving)
h. Pergantian lebih lama (extended oil drain)
Cara Memilih Pelumas
Pilih kekentalan sesuai rekomendasi pabrik
Pilih kualitas pelumas yang tertinggi dan
disesuaikan dengan jenis bahan bakar mesin
Pilih merk yang sudah terkenal
Memiliki Nomor Pelumas Terdaftar (NPT) dari
Dirjen Migas
Optimalisasi Pemakaian Pelumas
Pengapian/pengkabutan bahan bakar pada
mesin harus tepat/baik
Menggunakan bahan bakar sesuai spesifikasi
Tersedianya udara yang cukup untuk
pembakaran yang sempurna (filter udara harus
bersih dan baik)
Pemakaian pelumas yang tepat dan baik (kekentalan & kualitas)
Ganti filter pelumas secara periodik sesuai
rekomendasi pabrik
Perbaiki kebiasaan mengemudi yang buruk
Ganti pelumas sesuai rekomendasi pabrik
Kamis, 20 Mei 2010
How Lubrication Affects
Machine Reliability
° Financial benefits from achieving lubrication excellence
° Don’t attempt reliability-centered
° Five equipment maintenance strategies, and when each applies
° Important implementation steps to lubrication excellence
° 10 roadblocks to achieving lubrication excellence
Lubrication Workforce -
Staffing, Training and Culture
° How to transform your maintenance culture
° Examples of a lubrication department
organization chart
Lubrication Fundamentals
° Six important functions of lubricating oils
° How oils and greases are formulated and why it is important
° How friction is generated in lubricated machinery
° The importance of oil film thickness and critical clearances
Understanding Base Oils and Grease Thickeners
° Seven important physical properties of a base oil
° The importance of API’s five base oil categories
° The advantages of hydrocracked oils: fact or fiction?
° When to select one of the six most commonly used synthetic base oils
° Base oils that offer significantly extended drain intervals
° Compatibility: how synthetics match up with
° How to use temperature to determine the right base oil for your machine
° How grease thickeners are created and why it is important
° How to select grease thickeners for your applications
Lubricant Performance Properties
° 14 key additives that enhance lubricant performance
° Understanding viscosity grades, measurement and reporting
° Why Viscosity Index is important and how VI improves work
° Lubricant performance tests and reporting - what you need to know
° How water affects base oil, additives and the machine
° How water contamination generates other contaminants
° Effects of oxidation on the oil, grease and the machine
° Lubricants in cold temperatures and heater selection issues
° How to control and eliminate aeration problems
° Finding greases that resist bleed, separation and water washout
Food-grade and Environmentally Friendly
° Important USDA requirements and government regulations for food-gradelubricants
° What you need to know about food-grade additives, base oils and grease thickeners
° Advantages and disadvantages of food-grade lubricants
Understanding Additive Degradation
° The three most common types of additive degradation
° The impact of lubricant storage on additive health
° Recommended lubricant storage life for indoor and outdoor storage
° Common incompatibility problems of additives, base oils and grease thickeners
° Aftermarket additive supplements pros and cons
° How to test for additive depletion
Lubricating Grease
Application Methods
° Seven tips for avoiding incompatible grease mixtures
° Best practices for the maintenance of grease guns and fittings
° How central lubrication systems work - advantages and disadvantages
° Best practices for greasing motor bearings
° How to calculate greasing intervals and quantity
° Procedures for packing a bearing, gear case or coupling with grease
° Best practices for ultrasonic/ sonic-based greasing
° Important tips for working with your motor rebuild shop
Lubricating Oil Application Methods
° Overview of oil lubrication methods and devices
° How to use oil mist and other automatic lubrication methods
° Using pressure spray methods for gearboxes
° Best practices for the maintenance of grease guns and fittings
° Overview of single-point direct lubrication systems
Oil Drains, Flushing and Reservoir Management
° How to optimize and extend oil change intervals
° Interval vs. condition-based oil change intervals
° How to monitor lubricant consumption
° Best practices for oil changes
° How to know when to perform a flush
° Selecting appropriate cleaning and flushing procedures
° How to accessorize equipment for lubrication excellence
° How to inspect machines for sludge and deposits
Storing, Handling and Managing Lubricants
° How to optimize lubricant selection/
° Best practices for inspecting/testing new
lubricant deliveries
° How to implement a lubricant consolidation
program and select suppliers
° Bulk and packaged lubricant handling and
storage best practices
° The best hardware and containers for
transferring lubricants
° Best practices for inventory management
and labeling
° Best practices for inspecting/testing new
lubricant deliveries
° Used lubricant storage, handling and
disposal best practices
° How to set up a world-class lube room
Lubrication PM Optimization
and Design
° How to conduct lubrication audits and
° How to write a proper PM procedure
° Setting effective lubrication PM intervals
and schedules
° How to conduct lubrication audits and
° Building reliability through contamination
° The seven most destructive contaminants
and how to control them
° Proactive maintenance in three steps
° Understanding the ISO Solid Contaminant
° Ten ways to maximize filter cart use
° Understanding the different filtration
° Strategies for removing water from oil
° How to select full-flow, bypass, off-line
and return line filters
° Headspace management techniques for
keeping oil dry
° How to select vents and breathers
° Coolant and fuel contamination in motors
Fleet and Automotive Lubricants
° How to read an oil can
° How to select the right motor oil viscosity
° Synthetic vs. conventional motor oils
° Tips for selecting engine oil filters
° Oil consumption, leakage and loss of oil
Troubleshooting Lubrication Problems
° Gearbox lubrication problems
° Journal bearing problems
° Rolling element bearing problems
° Diesel engine problems
° Compressor problems
° Hydraulic system problems
Contamination Control
° Building reliability through contamination
° The seven most destructive contaminants and
how to control them
° Proactive maintenance in three steps
° Understanding the ISO Solid Contaminant
° Ten ways to maximize filter cart use
° Understanding the different filtration
° Strategies for removing water from oil
° How to select full-flow, bypass, off-line
and return line filters
° Headspace management techniques for
keeping oil dry
° How to select vents and breathers
° Coolant and fuel contamination in motors
Leakage Stability
° How to identify and classify leaks
° Strategies for locating and correcting leaks
° Leakage management strategies for
lubrication excellence
Fleet and Automotive Lubricants
° How to read an oil can
° How to select the right motor oil viscosity
° Synthetic vs. conventional motor oils
° Tips for selecting engine oil filters
° Oil consumption, leakage and loss of oil
Selecting Lubricants
° Journal and rolling-element bearings
° Open and enclosed gears
° Mechanical couplings
° Gas engine and gas compressors
° Air compressor
° Refrigeration compressors
° Steam and gas turbines
° Hydraulic fluids
° Process pumps
° Wire rope and chain
° Paper machines
° Marine and locomotive engines
° Multipurpose grease
° Oil mist lubricants
Troubleshooting Lubrication Problems
° Gearbox lubrication problems
° Journal bearing problems
° Rolling element bearing problems
° Diesel engine problems
° Compressor problems
° Hydraulic system problems
Used Oil Analysis Basics
° When to use 11 common used oil analysis tests
° Oil sampling best practices
° Oil analysis for condition-based oil changes
° Detecting and analyzing machine wear debris
° Easy field tests for quick inspections
Lubrication and Oil Analysis Metrics
° Lubrication performance charting
° Using the Overall Lubrication Effectiveness (OLE) metric
° Tracking return on net assets for your program
° How to use software and the Internet for program metrics